

No. While we have over 10,000 lines in stock here in York, if it isn’t in stock, we have years of experience in sourcing your parts. Speak with us today on 01904 656 923 to tell us your requirements.

Absolutely. We don’t just specialise in hard to find and obsolete electronic components, we can help with everyday parts, too.

Yes. We offer scheduling on all orders. This means you can order now, lock your prices in and then stock is shipped to you as and when you need it. (Conditions apply)

Yes. You can request a certificate of conformance. Compliance is a priority for us.

Yes, all our parts come with our 1-year fit, form and function warranty. Some parts also come with their specific brand’s warranties.

No. All our prices are excluding VAT.

Your account manager will keep you updated on the progress of your order from start to finish. Once it has shipped, we will send you a shipping confirmation with a link to track it from our software dashing distribution.

We use all major couriers including, UPS, FedEx and DHL and we ship worldwide.

Yes, please call us or speak to your account manager who will be able to send you the account application form.

Yes, we are ISO 9001:2015 Certified. A copy of our ISO certificate is available on the website, or you can request one from your account manager.